Monday, November 9, 2009


It's not something to which I'm usually comfortable speaking, but we've recently had many inquiries of the same nature. "Why haven't I heard you before?" or "Why aren't you famous?"

While the answer is certainly multidimensional and probably far beyond my grasp, I think the following thought could have something to do with it.
We are not where they are. We aren't too eager to mingle with them. We seek out you.

There is a true aspect to the thought that it is they who can introduce us to more of you. I respect this and don't begrudge those who have taken advantage of this. We are not very good at it though. And at this point, we can deal with that.

We believe in you as you believe in what we are doing. We just spent the weekend with the owners of the Hogfarm Studio Annex in Biddeford, ME. The performance with The Starving Artist Collective was cancelled due to illness and we wish them a quick recovery. These are just two groups of folks we consider ourselves very fortunate with which to be associated. We genuinely thank them and look forward to continuing our relationship...that's what it is. Really.

We don't have a relationship with them.

These are some photos from Nick's Bar, Worcester, MA, North Star Cafe, Portland, ME, P.A.C.E. Easthampton, MA, and Sierra Grille, Northampton, MA. You'll see us, Brooke Brown Saraciono, Audrey Ryan, and The Points North.

If you posses the time and interest, check out more photos at our flickr page. We have a backlog so it will take a few months to get up to date, but there's a bit up now.

1 comment:

  1. While I understand the sentiment of this last post, I must digress. It seems to me that the whole "we are not them" mentality is the same one which keeps everyone in their separate boat. "We don't have a relationship with them" is the reason the water on the way to the island is unmoving. Perhaps only when we forget there is a "we" and a "them", will the people share boats, the water will move, and to the island we will go, all together as one. Just my two cents. - Sam Dillon
