Monday, November 2, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick word, if you've got the time. The Accident has been very busy lately. We've been doing shows, interviews, writing, demos, and all other things pertaining to TATLMTTW and our future. With the final chapter in the works, we're focusing our collective energies into closing our story the best we can. The songs and art are underway and progressing wonderfully. The music is taking on a more classically inspired tone while retaining its delicacy and vulnerability. It is reflecting the mood in our protagonist's resolution.
How have things been going as far as shows and other commercial things? We've been blessed with some great opportunities, experiences, and achievements, and we've hit some humbling moments as well. Though our answer may change daily, we've been experiencing a steady progression.
What can one expect from TATLMTTW in the future?
In the coming months, we're playing a limited number of shows as we work diligently on the Third Album. We are playing out some of the new material and we appreciate your feedback on it.
Our "New Media" presence has grown. You can find us at Twitter, Here, Our Official Site, Myspace, Facebook, YouTube and we always can be reached at our email. This is how you can receive our monthly newsletter too!
This weekend we're very excited to play the Hogfarm Annex with our dear Dan Blakeslee on Sat. and a special One Year Anniversary party for The Staving Artist Collective.
More videos will be added to our YouTube page.
Photos will be posted from the last few months.
Look for us in your favorite local or not so local music reviewing forum. If we're again compared to uncooked food, feel free to rebut.

If we could be so bold to ask, we could use your help. If you appreciate what we do, we urge you to contact your local radio stations, colleges, print media, and electronic sources for arts, and request more The Accident That Led Me To The World. And please, most importantly, tell your friends and invite them to a show or to one of our voluminous electronic homes.

Thank you, and we look forward to the next chapter with you! Be well now...

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