Monday, December 28, 2009

Recording In February / Previously Unreleased Tracks

TATLMTTW will be "going into the studio" in February-March of 2010. We are very excited to finally get some of our newest material down on something more definitive than a podcast or college radio broadcast. Unfortunately, this material will not be as easily "leaked" until the record is completed BUT, rest assured, we have something in the works.

In January, a music archive will be added to our website; here you will find live and unreleased tracks from TATLMTTW. These songs will be available for you - as something to tide you over. Anticipate one song per month beginning in January, so keep your eyes peeled.

Thank you for listening to TATLMTTW

Monday, November 9, 2009


It's not something to which I'm usually comfortable speaking, but we've recently had many inquiries of the same nature. "Why haven't I heard you before?" or "Why aren't you famous?"

While the answer is certainly multidimensional and probably far beyond my grasp, I think the following thought could have something to do with it.
We are not where they are. We aren't too eager to mingle with them. We seek out you.

There is a true aspect to the thought that it is they who can introduce us to more of you. I respect this and don't begrudge those who have taken advantage of this. We are not very good at it though. And at this point, we can deal with that.

We believe in you as you believe in what we are doing. We just spent the weekend with the owners of the Hogfarm Studio Annex in Biddeford, ME. The performance with The Starving Artist Collective was cancelled due to illness and we wish them a quick recovery. These are just two groups of folks we consider ourselves very fortunate with which to be associated. We genuinely thank them and look forward to continuing our relationship...that's what it is. Really.

We don't have a relationship with them.

These are some photos from Nick's Bar, Worcester, MA, North Star Cafe, Portland, ME, P.A.C.E. Easthampton, MA, and Sierra Grille, Northampton, MA. You'll see us, Brooke Brown Saraciono, Audrey Ryan, and The Points North.

If you posses the time and interest, check out more photos at our flickr page. We have a backlog so it will take a few months to get up to date, but there's a bit up now.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick word, if you've got the time. The Accident has been very busy lately. We've been doing shows, interviews, writing, demos, and all other things pertaining to TATLMTTW and our future. With the final chapter in the works, we're focusing our collective energies into closing our story the best we can. The songs and art are underway and progressing wonderfully. The music is taking on a more classically inspired tone while retaining its delicacy and vulnerability. It is reflecting the mood in our protagonist's resolution.
How have things been going as far as shows and other commercial things? We've been blessed with some great opportunities, experiences, and achievements, and we've hit some humbling moments as well. Though our answer may change daily, we've been experiencing a steady progression.
What can one expect from TATLMTTW in the future?
In the coming months, we're playing a limited number of shows as we work diligently on the Third Album. We are playing out some of the new material and we appreciate your feedback on it.
Our "New Media" presence has grown. You can find us at Twitter, Here, Our Official Site, Myspace, Facebook, YouTube and we always can be reached at our email. This is how you can receive our monthly newsletter too!
This weekend we're very excited to play the Hogfarm Annex with our dear Dan Blakeslee on Sat. and a special One Year Anniversary party for The Staving Artist Collective.
More videos will be added to our YouTube page.
Photos will be posted from the last few months.
Look for us in your favorite local or not so local music reviewing forum. If we're again compared to uncooked food, feel free to rebut.

If we could be so bold to ask, we could use your help. If you appreciate what we do, we urge you to contact your local radio stations, colleges, print media, and electronic sources for arts, and request more The Accident That Led Me To The World. And please, most importantly, tell your friends and invite them to a show or to one of our voluminous electronic homes.

Thank you, and we look forward to the next chapter with you! Be well now...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Please enjoy our video from our day off spent in Temple Maine . I promise a thorough blog will come soon. Full of wonderous insight and all that stuff for which we're known.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Amazing! Really. It's right in the name.

Amazing Things 8.16.09 .

'You know that feeling you get when you find a $10 bill in your jean pockets. Not that you had lost it, but according to your present recollection, you never had it in the first place. Well, Amazing Things in Framingham is almost sort of like that...

After an appearance in nearby Hopkinton featuring on the televised "Wake Up and Smell the Poetry," we had a suspicion that the metro-west area had more to offer than we had previously explored. Even with the increased area expectation, the thoughtful collection of artists gathering in a former firehouse took us pleasantly by surprise.

Michael and Dave (CEO and host, respectively) greeted us at our arrival and went through the evening. The performers were all great and as varied as could be. The room was full of listeners and participants (open mic style) and all seemed authentically interested in the arts and the community. This differs greatly from many of the cities and towns with more artistic notoriety, where you're likely to meet young entrepreneurs forcing bumper stickers like drug pushers or street evangelists, elder folkers emptying their minds and mouths and filling your ears with FirstName LastNames you simply must hear, because they have both a first name and a last name (both precious commodities in most folk circles), and other do-it-yourselfers doing it all for themselves. The Amazing Things crew is a far cry from folk performers living just outside New York ("The City" they chant) offering little save certain wardrobe pieces to distinguish exactly what year Bob Dylan they are emulating.

By the way, did you hear about his recent troubles with law enforcement? ...

Anyway, about the ten spot, AT is a not so hidden gem not so far away from home doing good things. We will be doing more with these fine folks in the future.

Next up: Some of our favorite folks from The Big NH and Somerville, MA

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Look Ma! I'm on the TV!

When Greenfield's finest televisionaries call, you answer! We arrived at the old Masonic Temple, which has been remodeled to hold several different offices and workspaces, and the painfully laid stonework has been unfortunately covered with off-white wall to wall carpeting. In this beautiful practical art, the wisest of the area would meet to share ideas and cultivate growth in their communities. Though less secretive in nature, the meeting hall on Main St. still preserves and presents active thinking in the form of Valley Homegrown. The television performance was aired live in the county and will be nationally and internationally syndicated in a few weeks. Big thanks to the entire crew and all those involved and special thanks to Sara for taking the below pictures save the first. Watch for the video on our website and theirs.

Massachusettes Bookends

Though we hadn't played at either venue, Mission Bar and Midway Cafe proved to be two nights of great music (Woodrow Wilsons and Chris Bell) and familiar company. Side Note: At The Midway, Chris got the most resounding response which was assuredly in no relation to the Celtic's victory of that night... although the applause and cheering seemed to match up very well to the game, and came at often odd times during his set. And WW turned out to not have the Swine Flu and we're all feeling better by now, thank you for your concerns.

The Western New York Bridge

Yes, Yes, the van reached yet another milestone while in Jamestown and on tour with C-Bizzle. We got to play frisbee, go to the Southern Tier Brewery, and enjoy the company of our good friends in and aroung Jamestown. A radio interview for a brand new station was recorded after the performance, which we're told was is to be the pilot broadcast. Below are photos of us in Jamestown and Chris Bell in Rochester. Rochester actually worked out better than it has in the past. The show was very decent and the accomodations for the night were...interested. Thanks for the hospitality!

Biddeford and Beyond

We really are fortunate to be graced with wildly talented musicians and artists as counted friends and aquaintences. Occaisionally we find the even better luck of having some place to share with each other what we so enjoy. Sometimes other people are there too, and that makes things even better. Special thanks to Gil and Coco. Below are some photos from New York State, Hogfarm Studios, and Paper Cut Zine Library.

Amherst and Worcester... remember?

The Blog has not been updated in quite some time! So, instead of reliving each moment for which there are photos and/or memories, we've decided to recap some of our activities in a few picture blogs. Below are some photos from a radio show and Forbes House in Worcester. You will see some of our dear friends amoung others. Here is the incomparable Matt Fox and the always lovely The Points North.

Catching Up

The Blog has not been updated in quite some time! So, instead of reliving each moment for which there are photos and/or memories, we've decided to recap some of our activities in a few picture blogs. Below are some photos from The Red Door and John and Peter's.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mama's in the Kitchen

She ain't got no shoes!

Good eats at the Walker Street Kitchen was promised and de
livered. Sticky rice, Lentils, Baked Pub fries, chips, bean dip...all the best of Vegan cuisine offered up by the fine folks at the Lowell home venue. Rai started right in helping prepare the food as soon as we walked in the door. Steph and Olivia (Ralpheatsdynamite) were beyond hospitable and all others attending were also wonderful.

Packrat and Coalmine Canary also lent their musical style to the night. Thanks to them, our hosts, and the next burger i ate so hard. :)

There are more pictures of us to be found at Walker St

Location, Location, Lo--where was I?

Great Scott!

Great Scott in Alston is a great local bar to see your favorite Boston rock group. Grinding Tapes Records is a great local record label where you can hear your favorite Boston area folk artist. To a different point, ever mix milk and a mint julep? Or wine and emotions? (Hemingway)
Anyway, we were glad to be invited to participate with some
notable artists. Amelia from Mr. Sister, Cuddle Magic, and Alive & Awake each performed. Much Thanks to Grinding Tapes, Great Scott, all the bands, and our friends that came out!